Judicial Philosophy

I strongly believe that a District Court Judge is not only an official of the court but is also an official for the public who has a responsibility to serve both inside and outside of the courtroom. I have dedicated my life to public service through both my employment and community commitments. As a former prosecutor and as an Assistant Attorney General, I have practiced in courtrooms all across the State of North Carolina, which brings a unique perspective to the bench.
“My job is not to ‘judge’ people. My job is to help people.”
I pride myself on being R.E.A.L.:
- Respectful. I treat all individuals in the courtroom with respect and dignity. I also use fair reasoning and sound judgment in my rulings.
- Efficient. I understand that our courtrooms in Wake County consistent of large dockets, so I move as efficiently and effectively as possible to ensure justice is served in a timely manner.
- Active in the community. I recognize that my rulings affect people’s lives and are more than case numbers. I also believe that it is important for District Court Judges to be visible and accessible in the community.
- Learned in the Law. I consistently follow the law without bias and prejudice; free from political influence.
“Judge Ashleigh cares about the people she serves and takes a holistic approach to the cases that appear before her.”
Wake County needs a District Court Judge that is committed to the community and dedicated to justice. Please allow me the opportunity to continue to serve you as a Wake County District Court Judge by providing me your vote, contributions, and support in the upcoming election.
“Judge Ashleigh cares about improving the justice system through education.”
I believe that education is the key to improving our justice system and so I have written numerous articles and presented Continuing Legal Education (CLE) classes to attorneys and future attorneys across the nation on topics including professionalism, racism, sexism, DEI, cultural competency, artificial intelligence, and a variety of other topics regarding the profession.
Parker, A.S. (2023). Did We Increase Our Impact? Wake County Bar Flyer, lix(4),1.
Dunston, A.P (2023). Increasing Our Impact On Our Community. Wake County Bar Flyer, lxviii(3), 1.
Dunston, A.P (2023). Increasing Our Impact On Each Other: Check On Your Strong Friends and On Yourself. Wake County Bar Flyer, lxviii(2)., 1.
Dunston, A.P (2023). Increasing Our Impact Through Power, Faith, and Justice. Wake County Bar Flyer, lxviii(1)., 1.
Dunston, A.P. (2021). A Call to Action: Fighting Racial Inequality Behind the Bench. 43 Campbell L. Rev. 109 (2021).
Dunston, A.P. (2020). Justice Isn’t Always Blind. The North Carolina State Bar Journal, xxv(1), 6-8, 17.
Dunston, A.P. (2020). Justice Isn’t Always Blind: Racism Is A Prevalent Issue In Our Court System, Even As A Lawyer. Wake County Bar Flyer, xlvi(3), 17-20.
Dunston A.P. (2020). The 3 P’s Behind Being a Prosecutor. Now Comes the State: A Publication of the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, vi(i), 1, 5.
Dunston A.P. (2020). Personal Care in A Pandemic. Wake County Bar Association/Tenth Judicial District Bar’s Professionalism Committee Blog.
Dunston, A. P. (2020). Sexism: The Elephant in the Courtroom. The North Carolina State Bar Journal, xxv(1), 10-11.
Dunston, A.P. (2019). Father-Daughter Reflections. Of Counsel, Volume 21. 20-23.
Dunston, A. P. (2019). My Crown is Professional. Wake County Bar Flyer, xlv(4), 12–13.
Dunston, A. P. (2019). Humility is the Highest Form of Professionalism. Wake County Bar Association/Tenth Judicial District Bar’s Professionalism Committee Blog.
Dunston, A. P. (2018). Sexism: The Elephant in the Courtroom. Wake County Bar Flyer, xliv(3), 17-18.
Dunston, A. P. (2018). Why Serve? Wake County Bar Association/Tenth Judicial District Bar’s Professionalism Committee Blog.

Community Involvement
Learn how Judge Ashleigh is devoted to developing positive strategies for the youth in our community.
Would you like Judge Ashleigh to speak at your organization’s next event?
We need your help to keep Judge Ashleigh on the bench in 2028!
Your generosity and support is what Judge Ashleigh needs to keep her seat in 2028!

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Ashleigh Parker
Post Office Box 25013
Raleigh, NC 27611